One More HDBank Leader Registered to Buy HDB Shares

Deputy General Director of Ho Chi Minh City Development Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Ho Chi Minh City (HDBank) registered to buy 120,000 shares of HDB.

According to information from the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE), Mr. Tran Hoai Nam - Deputy General Director of HDBank registered to buy 120,000 shares of this bank, expected to trade from December 26, 2022. The purpose of the transaction is for investment and will be carried out according to the method of order matching and agreement.

Mr. Tran Hoai Nam has had nearly 10 years working at HDbank.

Quảng cáo

Previously, in early December, Mr. Pham Quoc Thanh - General Director of HDBank registered to buy 1 million HDB shares. The purpose of the transaction is for investment and will be carried out according to the method of order matching and agreement. This is the third time since the beginning of this year, Mr. Pham Quoc Thanh has registered to buy HDB shares.

In March 2022, Mr. Thanh completed buying 1 million HDB shares and in November he continued to buy another 659,700 shares, bringing the total number of shares owned to more than 1.9 million.

In early November 2022, two other leaders of HDBank, Mr. Nguyen Huu Dang - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Dao Duy Tuong - Head of Supervisory Board, registered to buy 1,000,000 HDB shares.

It is known that in the first 9 months of the year, HDBank recorded positive business results. Pre-tax profit exceeded VND 8,016 billion, the highest ever and completed 82% of the full year plan in 2022. HDBank's bad debt ratio was only 1.1%, of which the bad debt ratio for various fields potentially high risk such as real estate business is controlled only 0.03%. In the context of market volatility, HDBank's B1 credit rating is maintained, liquidity is abundant, capital adequacy is among the leading banks and is being deployed to Basel III.

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Khác biệt trong cách nhập khẩu gạo của Trung Quốc

Trung Quốc là thị trường mua gạo lớn của Việt Nam, nhiều năm liền đất nước 1,4 tỷ dân này luôn đứng vị trí nước nhập khẩu gạo lớn thứ 2 (sau Philippines). Song, 5 tháng đầu năm nay, xuất khẩu gạo vào Trung Quốc giảm đến 67,83% về lượng và 67,28% về kim ngạch.